Nov 7, 2009

Diego El Cigala

La Bien Paga


Por alto esté el cielo en el mundo,
Por hondo que esté el mar profundo,
No habrá una barrera en el mundo
Que un amor profundo no pueda romper.

Amor es el pan de la vida, amor es la copa divina,
Amor es un algo sin nombre
Que obsesiona a un hombre con una mujer.

Yo estoy obsesionado contigo,
Y el mundo es testigo de mi frenesí,
Y por más que se oponga el destino, serás para mí.

Amor es el pan de la vida, amor es la copa divina,
Amor es un algo sin nombre
Que obsesiona a un hombre con una mujer.

Pedro Flores

Nov 3, 2009


Isn't it a nice surprise!
My bag came to me 45 years ago from Mecca!

She is in Morocco filming SATC

Oct 30, 2009


I was driving today, noticed these clouds in the horizon..thought about those Native American Smoke Signals I used to read in story books...

A gentle… almost magical… puff of smoke rises up toward the clouds and heavens, floating, suspended in space, lifting then gradually disappearing, being consumed by the earth surrounding it and the breath of the wind that carries it (Grandmother Selma).

Sep 23, 2009


"Midlife is when you get to the top of a ladder only to realize you've had the ladder against the wrong wall."